Bichectomy Cheek Thinning Aesthetics

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Cheek reduction surgery, which has become one of the best procedures among individuals who highly value aesthetics, is continually sought after. This aesthetic trend has gained popularity, with many celebrities opting for cheek reduction. Having slimmer cheeks, prominent cheekbones, and a well-defined jawline are considered essential features. The aim of these aesthetic modifications is to achieve a “Barbie-like” face shape, which is currently observed in many people.

The purpose of undergoing aesthetic procedures is to help individuals feel better psychologically and experience an increase in self-confidence. In cheek reduction surgery, excess fat tissues in the cheeks are removed. As a result of this removal, the cheeks begin to slim down, leading to a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. This way, the surgery achieves a successful outcome. From a medical perspective, there are no significant drawbacks. Cheek reduction is a cosmetic procedure developed based on the individual’s desire. Hence, all procedures can easily be tailored to the individual’s preferences. The crucial aspect in cheek reduction surgery is achieving the desired facial features according to the person’s wishes. If a person is in good health with no medical issues, the surgery can be performed without any concerns.

Cheek Thinning Aesthetics

Cheek reduction aesthetics, a commonly asked about procedure, is a short and straightforward surgery. This aesthetic surgery is performed on an outpatient basis. It is carried out with local anesthesia while the patient is awake. Prior to the surgery, the mouth must be completely clean. If the mouth is not clean, the risk of infection is significantly increased. Therefore, it is essential that the mouth is thoroughly cleaned.

As cheek reduction aesthetics involve surgical intervention, the first step is to numb the patient using local anesthesia, after which the outpatient treatment begins. Initially, small incisions are made near the fat pockets inside the cheeks, and the fat tissue bags are removed with forceps to achieve a natural appearance. Once the fat tissue bags are removed, stitches are applied to the incised area.

The removal of fat tissue is carried out on both cheeks. Subsequently, the procedure is completed with a surgical tightening bandage. The entire process usually takes between 30 to 45 minutes, and the patient can be discharged on the same day. This surgery is generally safe, but if oral hygiene is neglected, there is a risk of infection.

Cheek Thinning Aesthetic Surgery

The process of removing fat tissue in cheek reduction aesthetics is quite straightforward. Prior to cheek reduction aesthetic surgery, the medications taken by the patients should be identified. If the patient is taking medications such as aspirin or blood thinners, these medications should be discontinued. If the patient is regularly taking medication for a health condition, they should inform the doctor before the surgery and provide them with relevant information.

Pregnant individuals or those with critical health issues should definitely consult with their doctor before undergoing cheek reduction aesthetic surgery. After the surgery, to facilitate a speedy recovery, alcohol consumption should be ceased one week prior, and smoking should be avoided. The recovery period for this surgery can vary.

The first 14 days should be closely monitored, and the progress of the healing process should be observed. In addition, after cheek reduction aesthetics, individuals should consume soft foods and liquid meals to prevent possible bleeding. During this period, the patient should absolutely avoid exposure to sunlight. In case of potential infections after cheek reduction aesthetics, the patient should not be alarmed; this process typically takes 3 to 6 months to pass. These infections generally occur in the lower jaw area of the face. Cheek reduction aesthetics significantly contribute to the prominence of cheekbones and the elongation of the face.