Ear Aesthetics (Otoplasty)

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Ear aesthetics (otoplasty), which is one of the aesthetic operations preferred by individuals who value an aesthetic appearance, is primarily a method applied to individuals with protruding ears. Through this method, the patient achieves a normal ear structure and gains an aesthetically pleasing ear shape. The occurrence of protruding ears is around 5% worldwide, making it a relatively uncommon condition. The patient may not feel aesthetically comfortable compared to others, leading them to consider undergoing surgery.

Achieving an aesthetic appearance has become quite popular among people. Especially the portrayal of muscular men and slim-waisted women can be seen in various examples. Alongside these, facial aesthetics has also become an important norm. Undergoing cosmetic procedures is perceived as a necessity. Additionally, having protruding ears can be observed in single or both ears. While it may not cause health issues, it can lead to psychological distress. The name given to corrective surgery for protruding ears is otoplasty. Deformed ears are rectified by giving them the desired shape.

Ear Aesthetic Surgery

Otoplasty, the ear aesthetic surgery typically sought by individuals with prominent ears, is a relatively straightforward procedure. The surgery usually takes around 1-2 hours. The transformation is guided by the surgeon’s intervention while considering the desired appearance of a normal ear.

During the surgery, a controlled amount of blood is allowed to flow. This is done to prevent excessive swelling in the area. Additionally, stitches are placed behind the ear during the procedure. These stitches secure the ear and contribute to the aesthetic result. The scars from these stitches are virtually invisible unless closely inspected. Moreover, after the surgery, the controlled flow of clean blood may continue.

Following the surgery, the stitches remain in place for 10 days, after which they are removed. It is crucial during this period that the stitches remain free from any microbial contamination. Moreover, after the stitches are removed, it is strongly recommended that the patient wears an elastic headband, especially while sleeping. This helps maintain the aesthetic outcome by holding the ear from both sides, preventing it from receiving any unintentional impact during the night.

The use of the headband is crucial to preserving the desired appearance. Otoplasty is a quick and effective procedure with long-lasting results. It’s also considered one of the least risky surgical procedures.