Jaw Aesthetics (Mentoplasty)

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Chin aesthetics, also known as mentoplasty, is one of the frequently employed methods in cosmetic treatments. The chin is a crucial point on the face that contributes to defining facial contours. Consequently, someone who values aesthetics will also place great importance on chin prominence. From this perspective, undergoing chin surgery becomes essential. While chin surgery can enhance one’s appearance, it is a complex procedure. The chin is among the most frequently used and takes the longest to heal among organs. This is because the chin serves as a significant area for both chewing and speaking.

The jaw is divided into two parts: the upper jaw and the lower jaw. Jaw aesthetics, also known as chin augmentation, is a procedure aimed at bringing the chin forward to enhance the prominence of the jawline. The accentuated jawline contributes to transitioning the face from an oval to a longer shape. This is why it is often among the most popular cosmetic procedures, particularly among women. It’s essential that the individual’s overall health is good for undergoing chin augmentation.

During the procedure, if there is an excess of fat tissue, liposuction may be performed. This is done both in the neck area and the chin. If liposuction is insufficient, a direct chin surgery is carried out. This surgical intervention involves fracturing the jaw. Jaw surgery is a complex and time-consuming process with an extended healing period. It is performed to achieve facial harmony. When the goal is to reduce the size of the chin, the procedure is called mentoplasty, and it falls under the category of facial aesthetics.

Jaw Aesthetic Surgery

Chin aesthetic surgery, which is among the aesthetic surgeries, is quite challenging. After a chin surgery, the patient faces difficulties in eating, drinking, and speaking for a few months. If there are also issues with teeth and chewing, these problems are examined by an orthodontist dentist, and braces may be applied. This way, both the jaw and dental problems are resolved. Moreover, it can be done for both aesthetic and health reasons. Mentoplasty is the procedure for reducing the size of the chin.

In chin reduction surgery, the patient has an excessively protruding chin, which causes discomfort. The size of the chin is measured, and the surgery is planned accordingly. Tests and X-rays are performed afterwards. This helps measure how much reduction is desired for the chin and ensures its harmony with the face. If blood tests come back clean, the surgery can proceed. About a month before the surgery, smoking and alcohol consumption should be minimized.

During the surgery, thinning of the blood can lead to very unfavorable outcomes. Therefore, aspirin or blood thinners should be discontinued. Additionally, if the patient is regularly taking any medication, this should be communicated to the doctor. This is especially crucial for chronic illnesses. Surgery can be riskier for patients with diabetes or hypertension. Therefore, all medications and existing conditions should be disclosed to the doctor. The surgery is adjusted based on this information.

Once the tests and X-rays come back clean, the patient is prepared for the surgery. First, an anesthesia report must be obtained for administering anesthesia. If a clean report is obtained for anesthesia, the patient becomes fully prepared for the surgery. Anesthesia is also crucial in this regard. During the surgery, the patient’s chin is fractured, and pieces are removed from necessary areas. If reduction is desired, this area is left for fusion. If extension is required, a plastic bone is inserted. This completes the surgery.